Please read some of our survivor stories to find out how their weaknesses become strengths, their fear leads to courage and their struggles are overcome to achieve triumph. With the courage to change, you can find your way from victim to victor.

- A Mother with three children, one each in high school, junior high and elementary arrived at our doorstep in order to protect herself and children from a frightening home life. She arrived beaten down, emotionally spent and without hope or self esteem. She was, however, open to change. She and her children participated in all of the programs we suggested to stabilize her family and build a secure future for them. She was able to obtain employment with a national company and they were in time able to go to our transition shelter, Grace House. She worked hard for six months and saved a sizable portion of her salary to find an affordable apartment. She said, “I’m forever grateful to Faith and Grace for what you did for me and my children”. Her progress continued at work leading to several promotions, one of which, landed her a job outside of Lake Havasu City. She continues to contact me with news of her new life free of domestic abuse.
- A young Mother of a six-month old baby called and asked for a safe place to hide from her abuser fearing for both of their lives. She arrived at Faith House afraid, withdrawn and unable to trust. But she forged ahead anyway with the courage to change and participated in all the programs we offered her to overcome her fears leading to an independent life separate from her abuser. She eventually obtained employment and was able to find an apartment where she could work from home and provide for her infant child. She continues to be active in our community Outreach Program by reaching out for more counseling and legal assistance. She and her child join us at Faith and Grace gatherings during the holidays and birthdays as well as to stay in touch with other residents who share their courage, strength and hope with her.
- One shining example of healing comes from a Mother with a four-year old. She called us from a hotel room where she had been hiding out from her abuser and was welcomed with open arms by Faith House. She became an active participant in all programs designed to overcome barriers to success for victims of domestic violence. She now considers herself a survivor. Her son was evaluated for his special needs and his specialized care began under his Mother’s tutelage. She told me she could never have navigated the social services and legal channels required without the Advocate we provided for her upon her arrival at Faith and Grace. Today she lives in a lovely apartment and her son is receiving care for all his special needs. She’s employed, happy and continues to be a part of our community Outreach Program when her needs require them.
- A woman arrived at Faith and Grace broken and beaten. She was anxious to find a job and quickly secured employment while living at Faith and Grace. After a few short weeks, she found a room to rent outside of our shelters and continued to work. Sadly, a couple of months later, she called as she had found herself in another abusive relationship and needed to return to Faith House. We welcomed her back and encouraged her to take advantage of all the education programs and counseling we offered to help her understand how she could identify characteristics of abusive individuals in order to avoid them in the future. This time, she took advantage of our programs designed to overcome the barriers that keep women in abusive relationships and worked her way to living at the Grace House for transitional shelter. She started building her confidence and self-esteem and interviewed for a job during the time masks were required because of the covid pandemic. The mask was a blessing and a curse. She got the job after interviewing with the mask but, later, was not able to hide the fact that she didn’t have teeth. Her employer fired her and said she wouldn’t have hired her in the first place if she’d known. Of course, our resident was devastated which led to a severe setback. Clearly she needed our help in overcoming this barrier in order to work, so we found a dentist that provided dentures to her. (He was gracious enough to give us a substantial discount.) I can tell you that her dentures greatly enhanced her physical appearance and gave her a radiant smile. Filled with new self-confidence, she found another job and is happily working and providing for herself in a healthy, independent lifestyle.